Happy Birthday

What do you call someone you grew up with? The person who was born a week before you. The one you shared baby food with and every bath for the first five years of your life. When I was ill so was he. When he got a new cardigan, so did I (often the exact same cardigan!). We knew each other well. He knew that stuff made me cry, he'd sit with me till the sobs died out. I knew he had a naughty side, I never let them be too hard on him. He let me have the last bite of everything and I listened to his crazy dreams! What would you call that person??! Brother? Friend? A gift for a timid child who really needed a friend at home because she was too afraid to make friends anywhere else. It's your birthday today. I'm thinking of you. I miss our lives before they got complicated. Hope something made you smile at least. Happy Birthday