
Showing posts from May, 2015

The darkness just before sunrise.

I was up and about much earlier than usual. Nothing reminds me of times gone by like the darkness just before sunrise and that chill on my cheeks. There is something quite magical about that time. People up at that time have purpose. Women carrying heavy loads, already toiling. Men carrying the dreams of entire families on their shoulders, the strain etched distinctly on their brows. Little children making their way to school. What time did they get up? What time did whoever got them ready wake up? Then the joggers, the walkers, the exercisers. Determined as the sweat drenches their clothes; to run further, walk faster. Each one determined. He is determined to sell those tomatoes today. He stacks them into a precarious pyramid and steps away briefly to marvel at his handiwork. She carries an IKEA shopping bag on her head. The name almost rubbed away from overuse. So many miles it took to get there, so far from the aisles of build it yourself furniture and so many kilometres she will wa