
Showing posts from June, 2012

Why I'm in the family I'm in!

In April, my brother, his fiance and my beautiful niece and nephew came to visit us. It was the happiest and busiest I’ve been for a long time. Driving back from the airport after they’d left, I blinked back the tears. I hate saying goodbye! In a bid to calm myself I got my journal out and started to write. I do this often, put my feelings down on paper. It’s terribly cathartic!  As we drove down the dark streets, I was overcome by how much I love my family. Every single one of them! Unlike most families, my siblings and I have very different life experiences. We have the same mum and dad but I am much younger than them and I arrived almost in the post dad era! I’ll be honest when I first started thinking about writing a blog about family; it was going to be full of comical anecdotes and harsh characterisation of each of them. BUT this isn’t that at all. Like me they’re flawed, I’ve often rolled my eyes at them, they’ve made me cry and often I wonder how it’s possible that w