
Showing posts from June, 2013

Shhhh! Can't you keep your mouth shut?!

I certainly cannot! A sign of maturity is the ability to shut your mouth and curbing the need to weigh in on things that don't really concern you. I am not mature just yet. I am constantly reminding myself to shut my mouth, it's often too late. Me and my big mouth. You don't realise how many times I wish I could have a do-over after I've blurted out something that should have never been said. The height of cringe-worthiness! I am learning everyday. 

Thank goodness it's over!

If I had to spend another minute hearing about Miami Heat, Dwayne Wade and Lebron James...I would have probably been taken in for arson (picture a smouldering tv!) or homicide (picture what you will!).  So basketball is over, couldn't help but roll my eyes at the silly ESPN advert suggesting other sports my poor hubbz can fill the emptiness with! PUKE! Emptiness? Really? On to the next one! 


I am tired. Utterly finished. I got to the end of my tether and fell off. My limbs are heavy and my mind is crowded. I'm irritable and edgy. You think the world would have mercy on me and throw me a life such luck. Three work assignments due yesterday and a messy house. A jumbled brain and heavy eyelids. Sadly only 40 minutes till the day ends. Pause. I need to catch up. Long deep breaths should help they say. No. It's making me even sleepier. What I want is a little slumber, a little sleep, a little folding of the arms. All I have, a little shudder, a bigger sigh and a little all-nighter. Sleep ye lucky souls, no rest for the blessed. 

Oh my...
