
Showing posts from 2016

Born free? I know you don't mean me.

That's what they call me. But I'm not free. I was just born after one oppressor took over from another. It's an unspoken rule where I'm from. We all know it; young and old. We simply don't speak against those in power. No jobs, no healthcare, no money, no future. But we just remain silent because those are the rules, don't you know? If you speak you're unpatriotic, disrespectful to the struggle, a puppet of the West or subversive (wish they'd stop using that word).  Why can't I just point out that I feel like the whole system has failed me without fear of violence or incarceration. I'm supposed to be grateful that I don't live with South African crime, the dark cloud of terrorism over Europe or the demonising of my Christian beliefs in the Far East. I'm supposed to believe that if my children fall ill today and I cannot afford a pint of blood it's because of sanctions and not because those in power have failed. I'm supposed to cel