
Showing posts from March, 2013


I love world events. I really do. I'm giddy at the sight of them. The ones where I know I'm joined by billions in my fascination. The appointment of the new pope is one such event. I liken it to the Olympic opening ceremony or US election night. Hope that's not an offensive comparison. Argentinians must be feeling awfully proud. I'm proud too. I love Padre Jorge's (now Pope Francis) back story. The Archbishop of Buenos Aires, who is so laid back he chooses to take the bus. He came second to Ratzinger in 2005. What luck! The winner resigns and then you get your turn. The moral of the story; coming second isn't the end of the world. Keep taking the bus and one day you'll get the job of your dreams!


This post is for my two sisters, my friends Lyn and Shau and Hubbz! You must read it too! LOL As I read the blog from Chantelle yesterday, entitled  Gosh darn, let's do away with all the busy already. OK??  I had these four beautiful women  and gorgeous dude on my mind. They have mastered the art of being busy. So have I sadly! For goodness sake, there are loads of important things we have to do but we all need to learn to take a chill pill and learn to enjoy doing nothing again! THAT IS ALL!

You think you know slow internet until...........

15.458 whole days! I'm patient, but this?

I want my real life, warts and all.

Have you ever told a lie? Said out loud something you knew to be untrue. Hoping that you can create for yourself a reality less painful than the one the truth would create. I have, sadly more times than most. At the moment those words leave your lips, you begin a journey with yourself, one where you’ll never know what really living is like. Everything, every single thing that happens from that moment on, no matter how pleasurable or meaningful, will only be but a shadow. Not real. The thing about a lie is that it works so very hard to become reality so much so that even you buy into it. A simple no when it really was a yes. A little self righteous anger, a tear perhaps and then you ignite that addictive power that comes with knowing that life’s events have been ultimately altered by your very words. I have been asking myself today about what my life could be if I wasn't such a coward. If I didn't exalt my ego so much as to create reality as opposed to living it, who would I b