
Showing posts from 2014's been a while.

You know when you haven't seen an old friend in a long time and you eventually meet up?? If you're like me you (and I doubt you are!) you probably have a list of things that you must discuss to catch up. And I mean an actual written down list!! Lists calm me. We will talk about seeking therapy later. Anyway I'm thoroughly mortified at how long it's been since I blogged and like meeting up with an old friend I feel like I should list a few things that we must chat about. The first and most important thing is that I'm now a mum. After a trying pregnancy God gifted hubbz and I with the most beautiful little girl. She is far more beautiful and engaging than I could ever imagine  and she stole my heart from the moment I met her. I was petrified of becoming a mum and I've overcompensated by reading up and getting clued up on baby stuff more than I've ever been on any other topic. I can already see bits of me and hubbz in her and I can't believe she wasn't

Good morning 2014.

I really cannot believe how long it's been since I last blogged. Sometimes life takes over, grabs you by the scruff of the neck and drags you into submission. Pausing to write about it all was the furthest thing from my mind. Instead I just licked my grass burns and pulled through it with all the energy I could muster. To be honest 2013 wasn't all bad, in fact it was pretty fabulous. I didn't do all I'd set out to do, I did some things I could have never envisaged and grew in ways I know will be useful for me in the future. So this very first waking moment of 2014 finds me sitting on the cold floor of the balcony of our apartment. I cannot believe how neglected my hanging strawberry baskets are. These once astoundingly fertile and beautiful baskets of fruit and plush greenery (that always reminded me of the fruit of the loom logo), are now in dire straits! There must be a metaphor somewhere in there. Where there once was promise now grow weeds. Not even impressive weeds