Hey...it's been a while.

You know when you haven't seen an old friend in a long time and you eventually meet up?? If you're like me you (and I doubt you are!) you probably have a list of things that you must discuss to catch up. And I mean an actual written down list!! Lists calm me. We will talk about seeking therapy later. Anyway I'm thoroughly mortified at how long it's been since I blogged and like meeting up with an old friend I feel like I should list a few things that we must chat about.

The first and most important thing is that I'm now a mum. After a trying pregnancy God gifted hubbz and I with the most beautiful little girl. She is far more beautiful and engaging than I could ever imagine  and she stole my heart from the moment I met her. I was petrified of becoming a mum and I've overcompensated by reading up and getting clued up on baby stuff more than I've ever been on any other topic. I can already see bits of me and hubbz in her and I can't believe she wasn't always part of our life. 

I've come to realise that for all my bravado I am definitely not as confident as I thought I was! When the baby arrived, I couldn't bear to see people or go anywhere without worrying what people would think of me. I tiptoe into our local clinic (that's only because the nurses are really scary!). I have to go back into the world of work but I can't bear to sell myself or my abilities without feeling like a fraud. BUT it'll all be well in good time. 

I have fallen in love. Proper young love where I find myself day dreaming and getting butterflies in my tummy. Black roibos tea with no sugar. Where have you been all my life? Why did no one tell me how delicious it is? We met on a cloudy morning at my mum's  house. My mum was hosting a bunch of people in her living room and I sat in the kitchen by the chest freezer and had a cup of this amazing drink! One cup turned into 4 and I haven't looked back. 

And finally! I have formed an unhealthy relationship with a chocolate cake. Not just any chocolate cake but Kuku's 6 minute microwave chocolate cake. Kuku is one of my adorable nieces and her chocolate cake is one of the reasons I have to dust off the Zumba DVDs sooner than I planned. I'll hold off on sharing the recipe right now, suspense and all that! Lol 

So that's me dear friend, I'm back. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hey girl, logging into my blogger after a long time and coming across your post. Congrats! What an awesome new chapter in your lives. God bless your family


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