Good morning 2014.

I really cannot believe how long it's been since I last blogged. Sometimes life takes over, grabs you by the scruff of the neck and drags you into submission. Pausing to write about it all was the furthest thing from my mind. Instead I just licked my grass burns and pulled through it with all the energy I could muster. To be honest 2013 wasn't all bad, in fact it was pretty fabulous. I didn't do all I'd set out to do, I did some things I could have never envisaged and grew in ways I know will be useful for me in the future. So this very first waking moment of 2014 finds me sitting on the cold floor of the balcony of our apartment. I cannot believe how neglected my hanging strawberry baskets are. These once astoundingly fertile and beautiful baskets of fruit and plush greenery (that always reminded me of the fruit of the loom logo), are now in dire straits! There must be a metaphor somewhere in there. Where there once was promise now grow weeds. Not even impressive weeds for that matter, sadly anaemic weeds that seem to be holding on for dear life! I must do something about them. It's raining and although I wish I could say all I can hear is the rustle of the water as it falls through the trees (there's the sound of a car that has no business being on the road and there are people STILL ushering the new year in with loud music instead of deep contemplative thought! (You see I'm still working on not taking myself too seriously! That clearly needs work in 2014.)

In 2013 I got the chance to work for myself. In typical fashion I reminded myself of all my shortcomings, planned how I'd deal with my failure and yet in the process I found my strength and realised that everything I ever done in my life has never actually been about me. I learnt that I can do anything and that all I need is to put in the long often painful hours. I know this new year will bring me new opportunities to exercise and strengthen that aspect of my life and I am chomping at the bits, wondering what new things I'll find out I'm capable of doing this year. 

I made new friends and strengthened old friendships. I am fiercely loyal (another thing I learnt in 2013) and relished finding that there are people out there who can match and outdo my (perceived) ability to be a good friend. People who love effortlessly and who know how to have a good laugh and who wear their hearts on their sleeves and can say 'I love you'. I will be a better friend in 2014. I will be honest and available, attentive and reliable. 

In 2014 I wish to speak less and listen more, to give more recklessly, to dream bigger and read more books. I want to worry less about money and care more about people. I want to worry less about my future and enjoy my todays. I want to be the very best wife, sister, daughter, aunt and friend I can be. Most of all I want to be a good mum! Yep! Wink!
I had loads more profound things that I wanted to say when I started this post but they have disappeared. Along with my dreams to have lost some weight and eat less meat. But I'll be sure to remedy these things in 2014. Here's to a great year y'all. I have a feeling it's going to be a good one. 


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