marvellous magaba!!

When was the last time any of you went to Magaba? I was there yesterday. Right there in the thick of the bustling business district (!). It is amazing there. Thanks to one of my dearest friends for helping me see things I may never have seen. The place is a total paradox; it is poverty and economic self empowerment rolled into one. Granted, you’ll have to carry your handbag close to your body like a baby and deal with people trying to sell you things from the minute you walk in, but you haven’t lived until you have spent some time there. Everyone reminds you that they’re your brother or your husband’s brother, regular family!
My friend and I go to the same workshop every time, buy the same thing every time and yet we come away with a new insight on life every time! Yesterday’s insight was that (wo)man and rodent can actually live in harmony. Ain’t no beef there! The biggest rats you have ever seen looked down on us while we waited to collect our baking tins and cake boards from the dynamic duo, husband and wife team that made them! This couple have nothing but a few bits of cardboard and sheets of metal and yet they are making a living for their family. As we sit there on rusty old trunk I can’t help but look around. The catering ladies are cleaning up their stand, I say cleaning up, it’s more like wrapping up for the day (those pots have never seen a scourer in their lives)! A couple of guys are washing what I assume is an engine. Someone is hammering an old boiler. There’s music playing, life is alright. I’m desperate to take pictures every time I am there. It’s not easy though. Two reasons, this is Magaba, I fear for my camera AND everyone is suspicious of cameras! I managed to get a few though! Unfortunately not uploaded here! I'll wait for some free WiFi! The workshop owner walked us to the car, who said customer service is dead! As we drive off, manoeuvring around piles of rubbish and massive potholes, I cannot wait to be back.


  1. Looks like you are having fun. I love the vibrancy of home,some amazing people! Keep up the writing!

  2. How about the nevotiating of prices and the "mbasera" that comes with every purchase. Being in the western world makes you forget about such good natured people who serve you when you're back home such that you leave their "store" feeling like you just spent time with a member of your family


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