Long live learning lessons!

I’m writing this with slight urgency, there is no electricity and Toshi-apple (my laptop!) has been known to give up the ghost without warning!  Today I’m thinking about lessons learnt since coming home. I say today, I actually thought about these lessons on Monday but I have only just had a quiet moment to type them out now!
1.       Hold your tummy in while driving over potholes. It’s a kind of exercise, like power plates Benghazi style!
2.       Chicken slice over Chicken inn any day! It’s like KFC without the smell, more grease and utterly heavenly.
3.       The money is dirty and looks as though it will fall apart, but it works, GET OVER IT.
4.       Put all the sweets and pens you get as change in the supermarket into a box, they’ll be useful as birthday and Christmas gifts.
5.       Make no eye contact with the street traders; they’ll interpret it as an expression of interest.
6.       The stuff coming out of the tap is bad for your health; drink it at your peril.
7.       Travelling on a combi? DO NOT WEAR OPEN TOE SHOES! I have toes that look as though they have been passed through a shredder to show for it!
8.       Just lie there, you will soon get used to the sound of that mosquito.
9.       Heat=Sweat=Stinky shoes.
10.   Everyone is ‘into’ something! Buying or selling. Importing or Exporting. Preaching or Not preaching! LOL! everyone has a trade. Mine’s job hunting!
11.   They’re called Weetbix here, not Weetabix; get with the program (Oracle that one is for you!)
12.   There’s more to muriwo than spring greens. I’m talking tsunga, mowa, rugare, kovo, nyevhe, munyemba, muboora and mufushwa of all of the above!
13.   Cooking on a fire, not BBQ, but actual cooking won’t kill you. It’s torture to your eyes and havoc on your odour but you’ll live. I did!
14.   Not everyone is a thief!
15.   Tomato and onion make soup, not sauce or salsa!
16.   You can buy chicken pieces at the same place you buy your newspaper, but I wouldn’t, really!
17.   He who finds free Wi-Fi has found a good thing.
18.   The teenagers here are scary too!
19.   20 year old Oprah episodes are still good!
20.   Don’t do anything today that you can do tomorrow. It’s almost time to go home anyway.

I’ll stop at 20. I’ve learnt loads more about class, race relations, politics and poverty, but we’ll save that for another day.

My family and I are celebrating some really good news today, news that shows without question that God answers prayer. So whatever is stressing you out today, be easy! It’ll come right. That’s lesson 21.


  1. Nice to hear all these tit bits... and to know that you are re-integrating nicely! It is refreshing to hear your perspective, so keep writing.

  2. That's some real life lessons right there, keep at it Oracle will be de-bunked!


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