
Showing posts from October, 2012

How do I get rid of this salami?

I've always wanted to lose weight. Even when I was as thin as a rake, I'd stand in front of the mirror, tugging away at the barely there bits of flab around my hips or tummy wishing it away. I wasn't serious then because I had no weight to lose! Sadly I cannot say the same now. Boy is there weight to be lost!! Ever since starting university I have steadily piled on the LBs and with every upheaval, every heartbreak, every stressful situation and every happy event I have eaten and steadily morphed into a girl that looks nothing like the girl I see in my mind!! Thanks to McDonald's sausage and egg mcmuffins (with cheese!), M&S chocolate tray bake, KFC hot wings, fish and chips, LIDL cook at home ribs, Haribos, paprika flavoured lays crisps, chocolate digestives, Nandos chicken with the requisite fries, coleslaw, spicey rice and sweet potato mash, cocktail sausages, vol-au-vents of any kind, Sainsburys quiche, crispy rolls with lashings of butter, M&S non-alcoholi

Happy Birthday to me!!

It's the 23rd of October and all I can do is smile. I'm grateful for my life and hopeful for the future. This year I've wished for many things. But some of the biggest things have been that I would be a better and more reliable friend, sister, aunt, daughter and wife. That there would be more gratitude than grumbling on my lips. That I would say more meaningful and helpful things and that I would stop crying about EVERYTHING! As I said it's a wish, bear with me through my transformation! I found a wonderful verse in the bible that has been my wish for everyone. I've put it in almost every birthday card I've written this year and it's also my prayer for myself. It goes 'I pray for good fortune in everything you do, and for your good health - that your everyday affairs prosper, as well as your soul' 3 John. I just opened my journal to check that I'd written it out correctly and stumbled on a note my husband left there wishing me well for toda

It's the people that matter....

In my time of blog silence the stuff that we shipped from England finally arrived. It was such a team effort from my family and friends who helped me pack, to the kind people at Space Station Self Storage, who always seemed to be open when we needed extra tape or bubble wrap! And of course the company we used to get the things here. After having waited this long for our things, it was more than a little weird seeing those boxes with my handwriting on them; being lowered from the back of a truck. I certainly did not want to open them. I am a do it all at once kinda girl. For instance when I decided to watch Mad Men, it was two full days and four seasons all at once. When I got my kindle, it took me a couple of hours to fill it with books. When I carry stuff out of the car I would rather resemble a circus act (think woman walking tightrope, with everything from a monkey and a flat screen tv balanced on her chin!) than make several trips. I have since opened a few of the boxes. The fi

Touching Base!

Hi there all you kind enough to be interested in my blog people!! (Victor particularly!) Im sorry! It's been too long since I have updated the blog but I have been a little busy, far too hot for my own good (Zimbabwean summer is well and truly here!) and to be honest a little bit lazy. Since I last posted, several interesting things have happened and I will tell you all about them in good time. I am at this very moment counting down to the next power cut and trying to figure out how I will complete my long to do list after the electricity cuts off. The joys of home! The real joys of being home are plucking, fresh, sweet strawberries from my mum's garden everyday. the beautiful weather (the heat is a little uncomfortable but it beats the cold anyday, I think!!) watching the chickens walking around the garden the beautiful carpet of jacaranda flowers on the grass and, the maputi and freezits that await me when I get off this laptop! Have a great day wherever you are and I