Season's Compliments of a Merry New Christmas.

There are some things about the festive season that make me rather uncomfortable. Like that old saying 'Compliments of the Season'. I never remember to say it and I often feel like a dunce when I just say the non-season specific 'Hello' and the person responds with 'Compliments of the Season'. I never know what to say back. 'Compliments of the Season to you too' is rather long and convoluted. It's like saying thank you when someone says they love you. I've said it (compliments of the season to you too) and it often leaves the other person with the glazed look of information overload. So what are you supposed to say back? Thank you? Then it means I haven't given back compliments of the new year. Will the lack of reciprocity mean I have damned that person to a compliment-less year? Perish the thought.

An even more troublesome animal is that old Zimbabwean way of shortening things that shouldn't be shortened. Forget the confusion of 'Compliments of the season' how about the even more bewildering 'Ehhhh, Compliments'. Just Compliments. With an optional ehhhhhhh attached to the front. My response to that is almost always ehhhhhhh plus dry mouth and nervous giggles and steam coming from my ears at the stress of not knowing what to say.

I always thought good old 'Merry Christmas' and 'Happy New Year' were perfect. Until I was hit by a further dilemma. How long after Christmas is it ok to still say Merry Christmas? And how long into the new year is 'Happy New Year' still appropriate? I will give you an example to illustrate. Ok so on Christmas Day when everyone was sending around their videos of dancing Christmas trees, you were busy actually enjoying Christmas. This meant that you didn't text that old friend. Ok you forgot them. It happens.  You realise this on the 2nd of January. Can you still say Merry Christmas and Happy New year together? Certainly Happy New Year because it's just been 2 out of 365. See my problem? Then when should you not make any mention of Christmas? 3rd or 4th of January?

 Which leads me to my next problem, when is the new year no longer new? I'm thinking if I see you for the first time anytime before or on Valentine's day I can still say Happy New Year! Confusing. Best solution? Ehhhhhhh, Compliments! Maybe just ehhhh without the compliments? But I really want to do that to someone? HELP

Hope you're having a good one



  1. Ha ha ha, I soooo get your dilemma, I usually just say "same to you" and just leave it at that. I enjoyed reading this, it brought to mind a discussion we had one rainy afternoon (those moments when you wish you were home, having a duvet day instead of having to work and all you want is for the time to move and it is not!), about how people never say or take the time to say "how are you". Is it because we fear being drawn into a lengthy discussion about how that person is or that we just to busy with our lives to even for thought.


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