Life's awful moments

Isn't life amazing??! There are just enough cringe-worthy moments to keep it interesting! Think about it...,

•the moment you realise that the odd textured thing in your mouth is indeed a piece of hair, a very long one at that

•the moment you drop the toilet roll down the loo, too big to flush.

•the moment you let one rip when you're alone in the lift, only to be joined by hoards a moment after

•the moment you realise that your episode of unjustifiable road rage was directed at a little old lady. Your mum's bible study partner no less

•the moment you realise you accused someone of losing something that you actually have in your purse

•how about calling the electrician in for something that just needed you to turn it on at the socket

I could go on..........and I will!

•forget not remembering the name of this friendly person you meet at the supermarket (who knows your name and that you lost your cat last week!) how about getting their name wrong and then having to be corrected by them?!!

•the moment you offer to lend your friend a book you've forgotten you borrowed from them countless months ago.

•the moment when you walk into an event late and all the seats are in the front!

• the moment an usher comes to tell you that the seat you're in is actually reserved and that someone more important than you has come for their seat

•the moment the loud music stops, midway through you shouting about something that you didn't intend the entire party to hear

I'm cringing now just thinking of it!!! Do you have some good cringe-worthy moments of your own??



  1. You send text to person you gossiping about! You post a private message onto your friend's wall on FB! Your card is declined at the till when you have a trolley full of groceries! Refused to stop to help a 'beggar' coz had no coins and it turns out its a disabled guy needing help to open his car door....was shattered for days! !!


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