The dream that came true on page 54

After having conquered my fears and started blogging, the next big thing was to write something that would go to print. Me writing something worth printing? Hilarious! It still boggles my mind how God deposits things in us. An interest, a talent, a gift or dream. He goes there you go Rudo, you can cook; Rita, you can braid; Dee, you can go out of your way to serve; Ray, you can make people laugh and Penny, well, you can kinda write!

Ever noticed when you choose to live out that dream or operate in your gift and conquer your fears the dreams get bigger and the courage needed to go out there and do it is all that much more?

Anyway I took a leap and have started writing for a magazine. You already know this BUT I finally found an online link!

Click on the link, then on the issue's front page and as you read, encounter the dream that came true on page 54.

What's your dream? What are you good at? Are you doing it? Now, I want this blog to get better (next dream!). Since I started writing, I've taken time to really read loads of other blogs. Goodness, do I have a long way to go. There are some pretty talented people out there. They don't intimidate me. If they can do it, so can I! Many people are blogging as a career......wouldn't that be something??


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