
Showing posts from December, 2012

Christmas 2012

It's a few minutes to Christmas and I'm deflated! I'm watching a little video clip of my niece and nephew looking dizzyingly cute and my eyes are filled with tears. I'm the sentimental type. The type that looks back and tries to remember exactly what I was doing at this time last year. I miss that life, I miss them. So it's Christmas in our own little flat this year. Had no time or the wherewithal to prepare something special. All I have is my tree. And I LOOOOOVE it! What a year it's been and I'm grateful for all the lessons, trials and triumphs. I just wish I could do Christmas with those crazies. The gadget obsessed one, the sofa sleeping one who is crazy about shopping, the busy body who couldn't care less about Christmas food, the one who talks too much and thinks she's American, the 12 year old with the mind of a middle-aged woman, the one who laughs till he drools and watches too much Top Gear, the sadza eating one who is also a formidable

So it wasn't the 12th but the 21st?

Whilst pondering the fact that the world would end, I was really rather irritated. I got myself looking decent enough for the bridesmaid dress and spent weeks practicing our dances for the wedding, only for the world to end? On the day before no less! As our existence drew to a close, I wished I'd had answers to life's big philosophical questions like.... who let the dogs out? who shot the deputy? Why does the food ordered on the next table always look better than your own? How do the neighbors know exactly when to make noise? Where is Johnny Walker going? When will my family be altogether again... I guess I now have time to figure it all out xx

QPR and I against the world!

(image courtesy of BBC News) I read a heartwarming story about a man who was the only supporter of his team present at a Football match between his team Udinese against Sampdoria. Alone on the visitors stands, facing a crowd of Sampdoria fans. It's beautiful, poetic even! I watch my fair share of football. And have supported several teams FOR NO GOOD REASON! And if many football fans were honest enough to admit it, they'd realise that they couldn't explain why they support who they do and if they can it's no better than my own reasons. I was an Arsenal supporter, a serious regalia wearing, Emirates visiting type. Who could ramble stats in my sleep. It was only because it was my brother in law's team and perhaps deep down I wanted to impress him. I loved why he supported them too. Back in football's uglier days Arsenal was one of the few teams where black players were respected and represented. I supported Newcastle (and still do) because I looooove the

12th of the 12th 2012!

Doesn't the world end today? And I've left last night's chicken in the microwave, that's hardly appropriate for mankind's last day on earth. I wonder if all these people have even the faintest idea. I drove by a construction site where they were continuing work. Talk about a monumental waste of time! And how about the poster advertising that Black Coffee (South African house DJ and not the beverage!) will be performing in Harare this weekend? Sorry guys, Black Coffee will be indisposed and so will we. Little smithereens that we'll be when the earth explodes or however it is we're making our exit. That said I am going to work this morning. Far be it from me to have egg on my face, when all's at it should be tomorrow! But incase I'm wrong, happy Wednesday everyone!! Make it count , it could your last. xx

They're really in love

Have you noticed how there's so much sarcasm about true love. The media is at great pains to tell us that true love is a myth and that sex is all that matters. Why? It's baffling! I saw a couple today. Meeting at the airport after several weeks apart. The knowing smiles, the little whispers they shared. True love right there at Harare International Airport. They're really in love and it's true, pure and beautiful That is all....