Christmas 2012

It's a few minutes to Christmas and I'm deflated! I'm watching a little video clip of my niece and nephew looking dizzyingly cute and my eyes are filled with tears.

I'm the sentimental type. The type that looks back and tries to remember exactly what I was doing at this time last year. I miss that life, I miss them. So it's Christmas in our own little flat this year. Had no time or the wherewithal to prepare something special. All I have is my tree. And I LOOOOOVE it!

What a year it's been and I'm grateful for all the lessons, trials and triumphs. I just wish I could do Christmas with those crazies. The gadget obsessed one, the sofa sleeping one who is crazy about shopping, the busy body who couldn't care less about Christmas food, the one who talks too much and thinks she's American, the 12 year old with the mind of a middle-aged woman, the one who laughs till he drools and watches too much Top Gear, the sadza eating one who is also a formidable shopper, the one who's now walking and loves putting stones on his head and the biggest diva, the one who reminds me so much of my mum.

Have a blessed Christmas everybody, you're on my mind



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