Stop being silly, just get on with it.

This year is a milestone birthday for me and I have to admit that I have been feeling a little bit like I am wasting time. My life's time line didn't quite take the course that I wished it would and I constantly feel the pressure to explain away my lack of achievement. When I am in a happier and more sober minded mood, I remind myself of my wonderful marriage, to a fairytale type guy! BUT that's not something I've done, but rather something that's happened to me. OK so I have two degrees and people who call me their friend. I write for magazines. I am a very good aunt and reasonably reliable! The point I am trying to make is that I have made an occupation of feeling sorry for myself and wishing I could do or be more. I have the audacity to belittle the goodness that has come  my way and the things that I have achieved. 

I am currently on a work assignment that literally fell in my lap with no effort of my own. Yet another wonderful thing and yet I am here sitting at the desk, papers strewn all over, BBC Radio 4 playing in the background and crying my eyes out. I feel terribly inadequate, like a little child playing among grown ups. It's a weird paradox. On the one hand I have been seeking opportunities to prove myself and then when they present themselves I am crippled with the fear that the truth will come out. The truth that I am actually not that good. 

I am crying, not because I think I will not get the work done, but because I just had a glimpse into the life of another young woman and realised that I have it very very good and yet I still feel like a failure. A few hours ago one of my dearest friends sent me a link to a blog. Finding an Anchor in the Storm a blog by Stari Gunarathne. She is 26 and fighting through a second bout of cancer. She is graceful, thoughtful and more full of life than I ever will be. Today she put me to shame. She is honest about her fears and lives in the moment, every painful moment. If you get a moment read it. It is beautiful and has inspired me to stop being silly and just get on with it. She is brutally honest and I think I must being honest too. Watch this space for some honesty! 

Happy Friday


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