Advice for the new year!

(Adapted from yet another letter I wrote to my niece!)

The new year comes with loads of challenges, new things we want to achieve. I'm taking my own advice.

1) please do not fall into the trap of being complacent and forget the enormity of the task before you. After going through the trauma of getting poor results, it's oddly easy to forget that initial disappointment and fall back into the same old way of doing things. Keep the momentum going and keep the energy up and stay focused.

2) there is no time to feel sorry for yourself. Spending time imagining what life could have been is a total waste. We all make mistakes, we all have made a blunder once in a while. Don't waste time, focus on the things you can change.

3) dont let life fool you! There's lots of time later to do all the fun things that life has to offer. When you have something important needing your attention it just seems like everything else is fun and exciting. It's a total lie! Parties, tv, Facebook will all be there when you're done preparing for the rest of your life.

4) don't forget the sacrifices that people have made for you and forget about pride and entitlement. Many people have chosen put their lives on hold for you and you not putting 100% effort is disrespectful and ungrateful and you're not that kind of person. Humble yourself and focus.

4) be respectful to your elders. You do not know it all. You're not an expert (yet!). You may think you do but you don't know it all. Mature people, wise people know they don't know it all, they listen and internalize advice and don't snap! Keep your cool be humble. It's far more endearing than being a snappy know it all who actually has nothing to show for their 'wisdom'

5) work hard, push yourself, you have no time for that tv show! Wake up! Get out of bed and work hard, push yourself don't be a quitter! Don't wait for people to tell you what to do, that's where pressure comes from. If you just get up and work, you won't ever have to deal with lectures!! Make life easier for yourself, show us what youre made of.

6) don't be hurt by being compared to other people! That lashing out comes from pride! Clever people emulate those who do well and then they do well! I know you're an individual, youre special bla bla bla! Whatever! Don't wanna be compared to other people??? Then be the best! Get over yourself sweetheart!

7) don't waste time. Look back at this time with pride! Breaks are overrated! You have some serious things ahead of you, things you need to achieve, don't jump on the bandwagon everyone else is on. Run your race.

8) read your bible and pray. Ask God to help you. He holds you in the palm of his hands and wants you to do well.

9) we are proud of you and cheering you on. Do this for yourself and for your future! The best athletes use pace makers. Focus on someone who you know is doing well, copy them! After a while you'll be just as good and even better than them.

Have a great 2013



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