Letter to my niece

I sent this letter to my niece on the day she left for university. Ever read something you wrote to someone and days later felt like you needed the advice yourself? Here it is...

Do not be fooled into thinking that by leaving home you are now mature. Maturity is about incorporating all you have learnt from your parents, greater family and church into your daily life and decision making. It is immature to rebel against such obvious wisdom in a bid to be 'yourself'. Rebelling against truth is immature, standing on the truth in difficult circumstances is true maturity.

Stay in God's word and do not be afraid to stay there alone when worldly wisdom behaves otherwise. There is shame in following crowds blindly knowing full well what the right way is. Do not strive to get the approval of people. Approval is fleeting. One day you're in and the next you're out. Live a life that is committed and pleasing to God, He made you and therefore knows your worth.

Guard your heart and shield your body. Stay pure in all you see, touch, speak, hear and all that passes your lips. Do not buy the lie the world has sold. It is not in trying ALL things that one finds themselves, it is in believing the ONE thing that we achieve our true purpose.

You are loved by many. You are capable and equipped to achieve great things. Stay focused, fight the temptation to be lazy and do all of us proud. Be a role model for your sister. May God's word be your number one companion! Your faith and belief in God will be tested in earnest now, will you prevail or fall by the wayside??

Dream big! You can be all you've ever dreamt and more. Don't waste time in worrying about the little details, focus on God and he can do all the micro managing for you.

We are praying for all the very best for you. We await good reports! We are proud of you and love you and wait expectantly to see the kind of woman that God would have you be. With all our love, prayers and blessing



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