My pride and joy

No one on earth has green fingers like my mummy. Ok maybe Alan Titchmarsh. But he doesn't count because he probably went to school for his gardening and has loads of little minions running around doing stuff for him!

I digress! Anyway, my eldest sister and I inherited my mum's love for all things gardening. Living in our apartment in London was hilarious. Our poor tiny kitchen window sills always had some herbs struggling away. I even had a sweet potato project that died a sad death.

Then we moved back home where there's loads of space and I'm sad to say I didn't grow a thing. It's like you think you want something and then when you get it you realise you can't be bothered! And almost everyone has a gardener here and anytime you venture out they look at you like errrr can I help you??! I know, excuses.

Anyway we've now moved into our own place (no garden, just a balcony) and I have some hanging baskets that my mum made up for me. It's just strawberries , mint, fennel, thyme, two types of basil and garlic chives. I had parsley and coriander too but they've departed from us. Heeyyyy, I'm not my mum!

I started using the herbs in my cooking straight away but the strawberries just looked like a bunch of greenery for the longest time. UNTIL NOW. They're flowering and growing and I had my first one on Friday. YUMMY. And there's loads more growing and there are no pesky birds getting their beaks in them.

I'm really proud of them and thought I'd share them, well just a pic because there's only enough for me and hubz. Well maybe hubz😉

I am now totally inspired. Wonder if carrots can grow in baskets? Watch this space



  1. Still hoping that gift will come to me in my old age! For now, its too much hard work and so much else calling! !!


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