OCTOBER photo-a-day challenge

Another blog that I love love love is FATMUMSLIM by Chantelle, who also lives in Australia. I tell you there must be something in the water in Australia!  Like me she blogs about life BUT in a soooo much more accomplished and effortless way!

One of the things Chantelle does on her blog is this thing called the Photo A Day Challenge. Every month she comes up with a photo idea for everyday of the month. Her readers are encouraged to take a picture that matches whatever is suggested for that day. As October is my favourite month of the year, I took on the October photo a day challenge! That's 2012 by the way, let's just say this post is very late.

The Photo a Day Challenge was a real ........challenge! NOT EASY, but loads of fun! I must confess now that I missed some days and even more embarrassing, I could only find a couple of the photos way past the suggested day! The experience was amazing and here are my pictures
OCTOBER 6 (I'm thankful for...Hubz and Mum)

OCTOBER 2 (Lunchtime...Steak and Kidney Pie)

OCTOBER 1 (Where you stood...Me standing barefoot on a carpet of dried up jacaranda flowers)

OCTOBER 3 (This happened today...A lovely ripe papaya fell from the tree in the garden and I enjoyed it)

OCTOBER 5 (Shadow...That's me doing fierce high fashion)

OCTOBER 7 (Light...Birthday Candle for Hubz)

OCTOBER 8 (Angle...A corner in our old bedroom)

OCTOBER 14 (Makes me laugh...French monkey hanging from car door. No animals were harmed in the taking of this pic)

OCTOBER 10 (Emotion...Happy, my nephew and !)

OCTOBER 9 (Red...My red canvas cross-body bag from trusty H&M)

OCTOBER  12 (On the table...Teeny tiny bookshelf)

OCTOBER 4 (What I read...Destiny Magazine)

OCTOBER 11 (Something up close...Hubz's  cast)

OCTOBER 13 (Landscape...An illegal rubbish dump outside Harare's Mbare Musika)

OCTOBER 20 (4 O'CLOCK...It's 4 o'clock and seems hubz and I are happy about it!)

OCTOBER 17 (Fruit...Damba,  Zimbabwean wild fruit, delicious. Thanks Rati!) 

OCTOBER 16 (Something I wrote...well I heard it in a movie and wrote it down!)

OCTOBER 19 (Letters...Spent the day reading my blog with the letters this big. Look mum, no glasses!)

OCTOBER 25 (People...walking  outside what's known as The White House, on Albion Road in down town Harare)

OCTOBER 23 (The view from here...The view from our old bedroom window on my birthday)

OCTOBER 24 (Weather..Rain clouds looming)

OCTOBER 15 (Dinner time...Dodgy looking pizza)

OCTOBER 27 (Looking back...Reminder of the good old sweet treats, I miss you Hummingbird Bakery)

OCTOBER 18 (Made you smile today...Hubz has so many shoes, this is the closet overflow area!)

OCTOBER 26 (Listening to...Love me some old school!)


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